

  1. syleily

  2. omaksuminen

Liittyvät sanat: hug



hyväksyminen, käyttöön ottaminen, hyväksyntä, vastaanottaminen, kannattaminen, omaksuminen, hoiva, osa, syleily, kannattaa, omaksua, valita, liittyä jhk, tajuta, kiinnostua, alkaa ymmärtää, hoksata, hyväksyä, kelpuuttaa, koskea, käsitellä, sisältää, sulkea sisäänsä, sulkea piiriinsä, käsittää.

Rimmaavat sanat

embrace rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

embrace (englanti > suomi)

  1. halata, syleillä

  2. omaksua

  3. syleily (1), halaus (1)

embrace englanniksi

  1. To clasp in the arms with affection; to take in the arms; to hug.

  2. Shakespeare

  3. I will embrace him with a soldier's arm, / That he shall shrink under my courtesy.
  4. Bible, Acts xx. 1

  5. Paul called unto him the disciples, and embraced them.
  6. puhekieltä To cling to; to cherish; to love.

  7. (rfquotek)

  8. To seize eagerly, or with alacrity; to accept with cordiality; to welcome.

  9. I wholeheartedly embrace the new legislation.

    You embrace the occasion.
  10. John Locke

  11. What is there that he may not embrace for truth?
  12. To accept; to undergo; to submit to.

  13. I embrace this fortune patiently.
  14. To encircle; to encompass; to enclose.

  15. Dryden

  16. Not that my song, in such a scanty space, / So large a subject fully can embrace.
  17. Denham

  18. Low at his feet a spacious plain is placed, / Between the mountain and the stream embraced.
  19. (qualifier) To enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.); to encompass.

  20. Natural philosophy embraces many sciences.

  21. To fasten on, as armour.

  22. puhekieltä To attempt to influence (a jury, court, etc.) corruptly.

  23. hug Hug (qualifier); putting arms around someone.

  24. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  25. (..)a delighted shout from the children swung him toward the door again. His sister, Mrs. Gerard, stood there in carriage gown and sables, radiant with surprise. ¶ "Phil!  You!  Exactly like you, Philip, to come strolling in from the antipodes—dear fellow!" recovering from the fraternal embrace and holding both lapels of his coat in her gloved hands.
  26. (qualifier) Enfolding, including.
