

  1. ripustaa; jännittää johonkin välille; (joskus eufemistisesti) hirttää

  2. hyllyttää; pidättää virantoimituksesta; keskeyttää, pysäyttää (toimitukset, maksut); kumota (määräajaksi t. väliaikaisesti)

  3. jäädyttää (suhteet)

  4. yhteys|urheilu|k=en antaa pelikielto t. kilpailukielto


Taiwan to 'suspend' entry for Chinese citizens to control virus (

Newmont Goldcorp 'suspends' payments to villages near Mexicos largest gold mine (

Whatever policies may come, they cannot 'suspend' the Constitution.

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muuttaa, suspensoida, keskeyttää uudelleen, jäädyttää, keskeyttää, kukistaa, katkaista, ripustaa, asettaa roikkumaan.

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Englannin sanakirja

suspend (englanti > suomi)

  1. pysäyttää, keskeyttää

  2. ripustaa, roikkua, riippua

  3. keskeyttää, lakkauttaa

suspend englanniksi

  1. To halt something temporary temporarily.

  2. The meeting was suspended for lunch.

  3. Shakespeare

  4. Suspend your indignation against my brother.
  5. Denham

  6. The guard nor fights nor flies; their fate so near / At once suspends their courage and their fear.
  7. To hold in an undetermined or undecided state.

  8. to suspend ones judgement or one's disbelief''


  9. To discontinue or interrupt a function, task, position, or event.

  10. to suspend a thread of execution in a computer program

  11. To hang freely; underhang.

  12. to suspend a ball by a thread

  13. To bring a solid substance, usually in powder form, into suspension in a liquid.

  14. puhekieltä To make to depend.

  15. Tillotson

  16. God hath suspended the promise of eternal life on the condition of obedience and holiness of life.
  17. To debar, or cause to withdraw temporarily, from any privilege, from the execution of an office, from the enjoyment of income, etc.

  18. to suspend a student from college; to suspend a member of a club

  19. Bishop Sanderson

  20. Good men should not be suspended from the exercise of their ministry and deprived of their livelihood for ceremonies which are on all hands acknowledged indifferent.
  21. puhekieltä To support in a liquid, as an insoluble powder, by stirring, to facilitate chemical action.

  22. (inflection of)
