


kiristää, pitää suljettuna, pidättää, vaivata, aiheuttaa vaivaa, hankaloittaa, rasittaa, häiritä, tuoda hankaluutta jollekulle, tuoda vaivaa jollekulle, joutua ahtaalle.

Rimmaavat sanat

straiten rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

straiten englanniksi

  1. väärinkirjoitettu muoto

  2. To make strait; to narrow or confine to a smaller space.

  3. The channel straitened the river through the town, made it flow faster, and caused more flooding upstream.

  4. (senseid) To restrict or diminish, especially financially.

  5. 1662, w:Henry More|Henry More, s:An Antidote Against Atheism|An Antidote Against Atheism, Book II, A Collection of Several Philosophical Writings of Dr. Henry More, p. 67:

  6. "And the reason why Birds are Oviparous and lay Eggs, but do not bring forth their yong alive, is, because there might be more plenty of them also, and that neither the Birds of prey, the Serpent nor the Fowler, should streighten their generations too much."

    Rising costs put those on fixed incomes in straitened circumstances.
