

  1. siisti

  2. yhteys|puhekieltä|k=en hieno, siisti

Liittyvät sanat: neatly



kätevä, näppärä, taitava, onnistunut, taidokas, suodattamaton, raaka, kuiva, sekoittamaton, hyvä, kelpo, melkoinen, reilu, erinomainen, loistava, ensiluokkainen, hieno, upea, mahtava, kova, siisti, aika hyvä, ei hassumpi, kiva, ihana, ihan hyvä, mainio.

Rimmaavat sanat

neat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

beat, pöytähopeat, perintöhopeat...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

neat (englanti > suomi)

  1. nauta

  2. siisti, puhdas

  3. raaka

  4. puhdas

  5. tyylikäs

  6. taitava, etevä

  7. siisti

neat englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A bull or cow.

  2. 1663, w:Hudibras Hudibras, by w:Samuel Butler (poet)|Samuel Butler, part 1, s:Hudibras/Part 1/Canto 2|canto 2

  3. Sturdy he was, and no less able / Than Hercules to cleanse a stable; / As great a drover, and as great / A critic too, in hog or neat.
  4. Shakespeare

  5. The steer, the heifer, and the calf / Are all called neat.
  6. Tusser

  7. a neat and a sheep of his own.
  8. puhekieltä Cattle collectively.

  9. 1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, VI.9:

  10. From thence into the open fields he fled, / Whereas the Heardes were keeping of their neat (..)
  11. clean Clean, tidy; free from dirt or impurities.

  12. (ux)

  13. (RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)

  14. Then his sallow face brightened, for the hall had been carefully furnished, and was very clean. ¶ There was a neat hat-and-umbrella stand, and the stranger's weary feet fell soft on a good, serviceable dark-red drugget, which matched in colour the flock-paper on the walls.
  15. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  16. Free from contaminants; unadulterated, undiluted. Particularly of liquor and cocktails; see usage below.

  17. puhekieltä Conditions with a liquid reagent or gas performed with no standard solvent or cosolvent.

  18. puhekieltä With all deductions or allowances made; net.

  19. Having a simple elegance or style; clean, trim, tidy, tasteful.

  20. Well-executed or delivered; clever, skillful, precise.

  21. puhekieltä Good, excellent, desirable.

  22. {{quote-journal|date=June 20, 2011|author=Phil Mickelson (being quoted)|work=BBC News

  23. puhekieltä An artificial intelligence researcher who believes that solutions should be elegant, clear and provably correct. Compare (m).

  24. basket

  25. (inflection of)

  26. cow, ox; animal

  27. nothing
