

  1. siisti

Liittyvät sanat: untidy



puhdas, melkoinen, huomattava, varteenotettava, muhkea, suurehko, sievoinen, tuhti, reilu, turhantarkka, siisti.

Rimmaavat sanat

tidy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lady, teddy, salibandy, dandy, brandy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tidy englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä In good time; at the right time; timely; seasonable; opportune; favourable; fit; suitable.

  2. Tusser

  3. if weather be fair and tidy
  4. puhekieltä brave Brave; smart; skillful; fine; good.

  5. appropriate Appropriate or suitable as regards occasion, circumstances, arrangement, or order.

  6. Arranged neatly and in order.

  7. Keep Britain tidy.

  8. Not messy; neat and controlled.

  9. satisfactory Satisfactory; comfortable.

  10. puhekieltä Generous, considerable.

  11. The scheme made a tidy profit.

  12. To make tidy; to neaten.

  13. A tabletop container for pens and stationery.

  14. a desk tidy

  15. A cover, often of tatting, drawn work, or other ornamental work, for the back of a chair, the arms of a sofa, etc.

  16. puhekieltä A child's pinafore.

  17. (rfquotek)

  18. The wren.

  19. puhekieltä Expression of positive agreement, usually in reply to a question.
