

  1. perustaja

  2. valaja (metallityöläinen)

  3. kaviokuumeen aiheuttama hevosen kavion säleiden irtoaminen toisistaan


'founder' of the company

:yrityksen perustaja

Liittyvät sanat: co-founder



kellonvalaja, valaja, ammattitaitoinen työntekijä, koulutettu työntekijä, tulehdus, punaisuus, punehtuminen, kaviokuume, joutua jhk, joutua jkn piiriin, pudota, tulla jksk, tulla joksikin, luhistua, räjähtää sisäänpäin, romahtaa, antaa periksi, sortua, painua kasaan, murtua, epäonnistua, mennä myttyyn, ajautua karille, epäonnistua täydellisesti.

Rimmaavat sanat

founder rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

founder (englanti > suomi)

  1. perustaja

  2. kantaisä, kantaäiti

  3. sulattaja

  4. valuri, valaja

  5. upota

  6. kompastua

  7. epäonnistua

founder englanniksi

  1. One who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author; one from whom something originates; one who endows.

  2. puhekieltä Someone for whose parents one has no data.

  3. The iron worker in charge of the blast furnace and the smelting operation.

  4. 1957, H.R. Schubert, History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, p. 161.

  5. The term 'founder' was applied in the British iron industry long afterwards to the ironworker in charge of the blast furnace and the smelting operation.
  6. One who casts metals in various forms; a caster.

  7. a founder of cannon, bells, hardware, or printing types

  8. puhekieltä Of a ship, to fill with water and sink.

  9. 1719, w:Daniel Defoe|Daniel Defoe, w:Robinson Crusoe|Robinson Crusoe

  10. We were not much more than a quarter of an hour out of our ship but we saw her sink, and then I understood for the first time what was meant by a ship foundering in the sea.
  11. puhekieltä To fall; to stumble and go lame, as a horse.

  12. puhekieltä To fail; to miscarry.

  13. (rfdate) (w)

  14. All his tricks founder.
  15. puhekieltä To cause to fill and sink, as a ship.

  16. 1697, (w), A New Voyage Round the World, Volume I, page 82

  17. We found a strong Tide setting out of the Streights to the Northward, and like to founder our Ship.
  18. 1744, William Smith, A New Voyage to Guinea, page 167, quoted in in The Diligent: A Voyage Through the Worlds Of The Slave Trade, Robert Harms, 2008

  19. "I was amazed when we came among the breakers (which to me seemed large enough to founder our ship), to see with what wondrous dexterity they carried us through them, and ran their canoes on the top of one of those rolling waves (..)"
  20. 1932, (w), "From haunts of Proserpine" (Review of Green River: A Poem for Rafinesque, James Whaler

  21. But still more disastrous was the storm which foundered his ship in Long Island Sound, swallowing within call of shore his fifty boxes of scientific equipment, his books, manuscripts and funds, the results of years of devoted labor.
  22. puhekieltä To disable or lame (a horse) by causing internal inflammation and soreness in the feet or limbs.

  23. puhekieltä (alternative spelling of)
