

  1. suoda

  2. antaa, varustaa

Liittyvät sanat: endowment



mahdollistaa, tehdä mahdolliseksi, antaa lahjaksi, lahjoittaa, antaa myötäjäiset, varustaa myötäjäisillä, antaa kirkkoherranvirka, antaa papinvirka, antaa pastoraatti, antaa, varustaa, peittää.

Rimmaavat sanat

endow rimmaa näiden kanssa:

know-how, show, drag show, talk show, floor show, ravintolashow, lavashow, muotishow, televisioshow, valoshow...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

endow (englanti > suomi)

  1. lahjoittaa; antaa perintö">antaa perintö

  2. suoda, antaa, varustaa

  3. tarjota, antaa

  4. siunata, antaa, suoda

endow englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To provide with a dower

  2. 1841, (w), (w) Chapter 20

  3. Finding her quite incorrigible in this respect, Emma suffered her to depart; but not before she had confided to her that important and never-sufficiently-to-be-taken- care-of answer, and endowed her moreover with a pretty little bracelet as a keepsake.
  4. puhekieltä To provide with money or other benefits, as a permanent fund for support

  5. 1 January 2017, Norbert Haering in Global Research, http://www.globalresearch.ca/a-well-kept-open-secret-washington-is-behind-indias-brutal-demonetization-project/5566167 A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project

  6. He already was a President of the American Finance Association and inaugural recipient of its Fisher-Black-Prize in financial research. He won the handsomely endowed prizes of Infosys for economic research and of Deutsche Bank for financial economics as well as the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Prize for best economics book.
  7. puhekieltä To enrich or furnish with something as a gift, quality or faculty

  8. 7 April 2016, Peter Bradshaw writing in (w), https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/apr/07/dheepan-review-jacques-audiard-palme-d-or Dheepan review – a crime drama packed with epiphanic grandeur

  9. It’s bulging with giant confidence and packed with outbursts of that mysterious epiphanic grandeur, like moments of sunlight breaking through cloud-cover, with which Audiard endows apparently normal sequences and everyday details.
  10. 1891, James Jeffrey Roche, edited by Mary O'Reilly, Life of John Boyle OReilly''

  11. Thus was he fitted to fulfill worthily the vocation of a poet. For it is not aimlessly that Divine Providence endows a human being with qualities so exceptional and exalted.
  12. puhekieltä To be furnished with something naturally.

  13. She was endowed with a beautiful voice.
