

  1. (kasvin) varsi

  2. (puun) runko

  3. (lasin) jalka

  4. (sienen) jalka

  5. (lehden) ruoti

  6. (hedelmän) kanta

  7. (suvun) päähaara

  8. yhteys|kielitiede|k=en vartalo

  9. yhteys|merenkulku|k=en keulavannas


from ~ to stern keulasta perään; (kuvaannollisesti) kauttaaltaan

Liittyvät sanat: stem cell



varsi, putki, putkilo, tuubi, emiöpieli, gynofori, karpofori, viljankorsi, maissinkorsi, kukkavarsi, jalka, runko.

Liittyvät sanat: stemma, stemmaharjoitus, stemmata.


  1. stemmaa: pitää paikkaansa / sopia : Mä jäin sulle huntin pystyy ja Make kaks, stemmaak se?

  2. stemplaa: leimata

  3. stemu: kivi

Rimmaavat sanat

stem rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tandem, requiem...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

stem (englanti > suomi)

  1. sukujuuri, suku

  2. haara, sukuhaara

  3. johto

  4. varsi, runko

  5. vana, kukkavana, kukkavarsi, lehtiruoti, ruoti; ruoto in a feather

  6. varsi, jalka, kanta

  7. vartalo

  8. pystyviiva

  9. varsi

  10. keulavannas, kokkapuu, steevi

  11. poistaa varsi

  12. olla peräisin, johtua, aiheutua, periytyä

  13. polveutua

  14. padota, seisauttaa, tyrehdyttää

  15. aurata

stem englanniksi

  1. The stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors.

  2. Milton

  3. all that are of noble stem
  4. Herbert

  5. While I do pray, learn here thy stem / And true descent.
  6. A branch of a family.

  7. Shakespeare

  8. This is a stem / Of that victorious stock.
  9. An advanced or leading position; the lookout.

  10. Fuller

  11. Wolsey sat at the stem more than twenty years.
  12. puhekieltä The above-ground stalk (technically axis) of a vascular plant, and certain anatomically similar, below-ground organs such as rhizomes, bulbs, tubers, and corms.

  13. Sir Walter Raleigh

  14. After they are shot up thirty feet in length, they spread a very large top, having no bough nor twig in the trunk or the stem.
  15. A slender supporting member of an individual part of a plant such as a flower or a leaf; also, by analogy, the shaft of a feather.

  16. the stem of an apple or a cherry

  17. (quote-magazine)|passage=Earless ghost swift moths become “invisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close (less than half a meter) above vegetation and effectively blending into the clutter of echoes that the bat receives from the leaves and stems around them.

  18. (senseid) A narrow part on certain man-made objects, such as a wine glass, a tobacco pipe, a spoon.

  19. puhekieltä The main part of an inflection uninflected word to which affix affixes may be added to form inflections of the word. A stem often has a more fundamental root. Systematic conjugation conjugations and declension declensions derive from their stems.

  20. puhekieltä A person's leg.

  21. 2008, Lori Wilde, ‎Rhonda Nelson, ‎Cara Summers, August Harlequin Blaze

  22. She was perfectly, fuckably proportioned everywhere else, both above and below her waist. A pocket-size Venus, with the longest stems he'd ever seen on someone so dang diminutive.
  23. puhekieltä A vertical stroke of a letter.

  24. puhekieltä A vertical stroke marking the length of a note in written music.

  25. puhekieltä The vertical or nearly vertical forward extension of the keel, to which the forward ends of the planks or strakes are attached.

  26. Component on a bicycle that connects the handlebars to the bicycle fork

  27. puhekieltä A part of an anatomic structure considered without its possible branches or ramifications.

  28. puhekieltä A crack pipe.

  29. To remove the stem from.

  30. to stem cherries; to stem tobacco leaves

  31. To be cause caused or derive derived; to originate.

  32. The current crisis stems from the short-sighted politics of the previous government.

  33. To descend in a family line.

  34. To direct the stem (of a ship) against; to make headway against.

  35. puhekieltä To hit with the stem of a ship; to ram.

  36. 1596, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, IV.ii:

  37. As when two warlike Brigandines at sea, / With murdrous weapons arm'd to cruell fight, / Doe meete together on the watry lea, / They stemme ech other with so fell despight, / That with the shocke of their owne heedlesse might, / Their wooden ribs are shaken nigh a sonder (..)
  38. To ram (clay, etc.) into a blasting hole.

  39. To stop, hinder (for instance, a river or blood).

  40. to stem a tide

  41. Denham

  42. They stem the flood with their erected breasts.
  43. Alexander Pope

  44. Stemmed the wild torrent of a barbarous age.
  45. puhekieltä To move the feet apart and point the tips of the skis inward in order to slow down the speed or to facilitate a turn.

  46. (alternative form of)

  47. 2015 May 29th, BBC News, ''How do US black students perform at school?"

  48. Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields are a particular cause for concern because within them there are more pronounced stereotypes, extreme competitiveness and gender inequities regarding the abilities and competencies of black male and female students.
  49. (l)

  50. to (l)

  51. voice, sound made by the mouth using airflow

  52. vote

  53. puhekieltä word

  54. puhekieltä voice, property formed by vibration of the vocal cords

  55. (nl-verb form of)

  56. (inflection of)

  57. (form of)

  58. stamp
