

  1. (kasvitiede) sipuli (minkä tahansa kasvin varren paksuuntunut osa)

  2. hehkulamppu, polttimo

  3. (merenkulku) keulabulbi

Liittyvät sanat: light bulb



kupu, sähkölamppu, hehkulamppu, sähkövalo, lamppu, osa.

Englannin sanakirja

bulb (englanti > suomi)

  1. kupu

  2. sipuli

bulb englanniksi

  1. Any solid object rounded at one end and tapering on the other, possibly attached to a larger object at the tapered end.

  2. the bulb of the aorta

  3. A light bulb.

  4. The bulb-shaped root portion of a plant such as a tulip, from which the rest of the plant may be regrown.

  5. 2005, (w), Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. w:Stephanus pagination|265c.

  6. the plants which grow in the earth from seed or bulbs.
  7. (quote-journal) (London)|date=7 February 2015|page=G8|passage=Once it a snowdrop variety became established, some bulbs were lifted and passed on to be chipped (i.e. cut into small pieces and grown on).

  8. puhekieltä a bulbous protuberance at the forefoot of certain vessels to reduce turbulence.

  9. puhekieltä To take the shape of a bulb; to swell.
