

  1. erota (virasta, työstä)

  2. luovuttaa, antautua (esim. shakissa)


Top ECB official 'resigns' after questioning stimulus (

Liittyvät sanat: resignation



hyväksyä, kelpuuttaa, tyytyä, alistua, taipua, ojentaa, kurkottaa, välittää, siirtää, antaa, luovuttaa takaisin siviilikäyttöön, vapauttaa, luopua, jättää, päästää irti, luovuttaa, uhrata, erota, jättää virka, irtisanoutua, lopettaa.

Liittyvät sanat: resignaatio, resignoitua.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

resign (englanti > suomi)

  1. erota

resign englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To give up or hand over (something to someone); to relinquish ownership of. (defdate)

  2. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), I.39:

  3. And if the perfection of well-speaking might bring any glorie sutable unto a great personage, Scipio and Lelius would never have resigned the honour of their Comedies(..)unto an Affrican servant(nb..).
  4. puhekieltä To quit (a job or position). (defdate)

  5. I am resigning in protest of the unfair treatment of our employees.

    He resigned the crown to follow his heart.

  6. puhekieltä To submit passively; to give up as hopeless or inevitable. (defdate)

  7. After fighting for so long, she finally resigned to her death.

    He had no choice but to resign the game and let his opponent become the champion.

  8. 1996, Robin Buss, The Count of Monte Cristo, translation of, w:Alexandre Dumas, père|Alexandre Dumas, w:The Count of Monte Cristo|Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, 2003 w:Penguin Books|Penguin edition, ISBN 0140449264, page 394

  9. Here is a man who was resigned to his fate, who was walking to the scaffold and about to die like a coward, that's true, but at least he was about to die without resisting and without recrimination. Do you know what gave him that much strength? Do you know what consoled him? Do you know what resigned him to his fate?
  10. puhekieltä (alternative spelling of)
