

  1. ylenmäärin tuotettu tavara



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Rimmaavat sanat

overrun rimmaa näiden kanssa:

laidun, riistalaidun, karjanlaidun, luonnonlaidun, peltolaidun, lammaslaidun, mehiläislaidun, viljelyslaidun, kesälaidun, kuhun...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

overrun englanniksi

  1. To defeat an enemy and invade in great numbers, seizing his positions conclusively.

  2. To infest, swarm over, flow over.

  3. The vine overran its trellis; the field is overrun with weeds.

  4. Spenser

  5. those barbarous nations that overran the world
  6. {{quote-journal|date=November 7, 2012|author=Matt Bai|title=Winning a Second Term, Obama Will Confront Familiar Headwinds|work=New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/07/us/politics/in-president-obamas-second-term-familiar-challenges.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

  7. To run past; to run beyond.

  8. The athlete overran the finish line and kept going.

    One line overruns another in length.

  9. Bible, 2. Sam. xviii. 23

  10. Ahimaaz run by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi.
  11. To continue for too long.

  12. The performance overran by ten minutes, which caused some people to miss their bus home.

  13. puhekieltä To carry (some type, a line or column, etc.) backward or forward into an adjacent line or page.

  14. To go beyond; to extend in part beyond.

  15. In machinery, a sliding piece is said to overrun its bearing when its forward end goes beyond it.

  16. To abuse or oppress, as if by treading upon.

  17. None of them the feeble overran.
  18. An instance of overrunning

  19. 2013 June 18, w:Simon Romero|Simon Romero, "http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/19/world/americas/brazilian-leaders-brace-for-more-protests.html Protests Widen as Brazilians Chide Leaders," New York Times (retrieved 21 June 2013):

  20. Some of the stadiums being built for the World Cup soccer tournament, scheduled for next year, have also been criticized for delays and cost overruns, and have become subjects of derision as protesters question whether they will become white elephants.
  21. The amount by which something overruns

  22. At least this years overrun isn't as unmanageable as last year!
