

  1. isometrinen, samamittainen



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Englannin sanakirja

isometric (englanti > suomi)

  1. isometrinen

isometric englanniksi

  1. Of, or exhibiting equality in dimensions.

  2. Of, or being a geometric system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other (especially in crystallography).

  3. puhekieltä Of or involving muscular contraction against resistance in which the length of the muscle remains the same. See also: Wikipedia:isometric exercise

  4. 2011,David Foster Wallace The Pale King, page 10:

  5. One of the most effective isometric exercises for the deskbound is to sit up quite straight and tighten the large muscles of the buttocks, holding for a count of eight, then release.

    Antonyms include tonic movements auxotonic and isotonic which are divided into concentric and eccentric.

  6. puhekieltä Taking place at constant volume because of being confined by rigid boundaries.

  7. A line connecting isometric points.
