

  1. taivm-y-akk|fi|dimensio|luok=s

  2. taivm-y-gen|fi|dimensio|luok=s

Liittyvät sanat: dimensionless



aspect, magnitude, proportion, size, scope, attribute, property.

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Englannin sanakirja

dimension (englanti > suomi)

  1. ulottuvuus

  2. ulottuvuus, dimensio

  3. mitoittaa

dimension englanniksi

  1. A single aspect of a given thing.

  2. A measure of spatial extent in a particular direction, such as height, width or breadth, or depth.

  3. {{quote-magazine|date=2012-01

  4. A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished.

  5. puhekieltä The number of independent coordinates needed to specify uniquely the location of a point in a space; also, any of such independent coordinates.

  6. puhekieltä The number of elements of any basis of a vector space.

  7. puhekieltä One of the physical property properties that are regarded as fundamental measures of a physical quantity, such as mass, length and time.

  8. The dimension of velocity is length divided by time.

  9. puhekieltä Any of the independent ranges of index indices in a multidimensional array.

  10. puhekieltä An alternative universe or plane of existence.

  11. puhekieltä To mark, cut or shape something to specified dimensions.

  12. (eo-form of)

  13. taivutettu muoto

  14. Noun dimension
