

  1. ahtauma, lyhennys, supistuminen, supistus, kutistuminen, väheneminen

  2. yhteys|kielitiede|k=en supistuma

Liittyvät sanat: contract



pienentäminen, supistaminen, vähentäminen, alentaminen, vähennys, lyhennys, supistus, kontraktuura, supistuminen, lihaksen supistuminen, lihassupistus, jäykkäkouristus.

Rimmaavat sanat

contraction rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Englannin sanakirja

contraction (englanti > suomi)

  1. supistuminen

  2. taantuma

  3. supistus, lihassupistus

  4. synnytyssupistus, supistus

  5. kontraktio, supistuminen

  6. kontraktio, supistumamuoto

  7. tarttuminen, tartunta

  8. lähentyminen, kontraktio

contraction englanniksi

  1. A reversible reduction in size.

  2. puhekieltä A period of economic decline or negative growth.

  3. The countrys economic contraction was caused by high oil prices.''

  4. puhekieltä A shortening of a muscle when it is used.

  5. puhekieltä A strong and often painful shortening of the uterine muscles prior to or during childbirth.

  6. puhekieltä A process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme (a word) are lost or reduced, such that it becomes a bound morpheme (a clitic) that attaches phonologically to an adjacent word.

  7. In English didn't, that's, and wanna, the endings -n't, -'s, and -a arose by contraction.

  8. puhekieltä A word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe, usually resulting from the above process.

  9. "Dont" is a contraction of "do not."''

  10. puhekieltä contract Contracting a disease.

  11. The contraction of AIDS from toilet seats is extremely rare.

  12. puhekieltä syncope Syncope, the loss of sounds from within a word.

  13. The acquisition of something, generally negative.

  14. Our contraction of debt in this quarter has reduced our ability to attract investors.

  15. puhekieltä A distinct stage of wound healing, wherein the wound edges are gradually pulled together.

  16. (l)
