

  1. elimet, elimistö; elinryhmä

  2. järjestelmä

  3. käytäntö, menetelmä

  4. luokitus, ryhmittely

  5. oppirakennelma

  6. rakennelma

  7. systeemi

Liittyvät sanat: systembolag



audiojärjestelmä, äänijärjestelmä, äänentoistojärjestelmä, äänentoisto, viestintäjärjestelmä, tietokonejärjestelmä, tietojärjestelmä, automaattinen tietojenkäsittelyjärjestelmä, atk-järjestelmä, suojarakennus, ohjausjärjestelmä, systeemi.

Liittyvät sanat: systemaatikko, systemaattinen, systemaattisesti, systemaattisuus, systematiikka, systematisoida.

Rimmaavat sanat

system rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tandem, requiem...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

system (englanti > suomi)

  1. järjestelmä, systeemi; elimistö e

  2. yhtälöryhmä

system englanniksi

  1. A collection of organized things; a whole composed of relationships among its members.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-magazine)|month=May–June|year=2013|volume=101|issue=3|page=200|passage=Similar studies of rats have employed four different intracranial resorbable, slow sustained release systems—surgical foam, a thermal gel depot, a microcapsule or biodegradable polymer beads.

  4. puhekieltä A set of equations involving the same variableNoun variables, which are to be solved simultaneously.

  5. puhekieltä The body organs that contribute to a vegetative function.

  6. puhekieltä A set of staffs that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously.

  7. puhekieltä The set of hardware and software operating in a computer.

  8. A method or way of organizing or planning.

  9. (RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)

  10. As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, but I would not go out of my way to protest against it. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get. I would very gladly make mine over to him if I could.
  11. (quote-magazine)|month=March–April|year=2012|volume=100|issue=2|page=162|passage=He draws eclectically on studies of baboons, descriptive anthropological accounts of hunter-gatherer societies and, in a few cases, the fossil record. With this biological framework in place, Corning endeavors to show that the capitalist system as currently practiced in the United States and elsewhere is manifestly unfair.

  12. puhekieltä The mainstream culture, controlled by the elites or government of a state, or a combination of them, seen as oppressive to the individual.

  13. (quote-song); (w)|artist=Madonna|title=Where's the Party|album=w:True Blue (Madonna album)|True Blue|year=1986|passage=Don't want to grow old too fast / Don't want to let the system get me down / I've got to find a way to make the good times last / And if you'll show me how, I'm ready now

  14. systemEnglish system

  15. Word used in (m).

  16. English system

  17. (l)

  18. a English system, a way or method of organizing items and knowledge

  19. a computer system (primarily its hardware)

  20. a system of restricted sales of alcohol, including state-owned monopoly shops
