

  1. sydän +luokka|en|elin

  2. hertta

  3. yhteys|kuvaannollinen|k=en ydin


get to the heart of the matter

Liittyvät sanat: cardiac, cardio, cardiology



hertta, valttimaa, pelikortti, rohkeus, pelottomuus, urheus, urhoollisuus, uskallus, kantti, sisu, lujahermoisuus, sisäelimet, sydän, alue, maa, seutu, keskusta, keskipiste, keskus, silmä, keskialue.


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heart rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

heart englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body, traditionally thought to be the seat of emotion.

  2. puhekieltä emotions Emotions, kindness, moral effort, or spirit in general.

  3. The team lost, but they showed a lot of heart.

  4. {{quote-book|1852|Mrs M.A. Thompson|chapter=The Tutor's Daughter|Graham's American Monthly Magazine of Literature, Art, and Fashion|page=266|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=hdcRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA266

  5. 2008, "Rights trampled in rush to deport immigrant workers," Quaker Action (magazine), vol. 89, no. 3, page 8:

  6. "We provided a lot of brains and a lot of heart to the response when it was needed," says Sandra Sanchez, director of AFSC's Immigrants' Voice Program in Des Moines.
  7. {{quote-journal

  8. Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ((w), s:en:The Little Prince|The Little Prince, 1943)

  9. The seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, etc.; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will; usually in a good sense; personality.

  10. a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart

  11. Courage; courageous purpose; spirit.

  12. (quote-journal)|date=28 September 2016|passage= The heart from the home team was immense. Some of them were out on their feet before the end, but they dug in, throwing themselves in front of shots and crosses, surviving.

  13. (rfdate) (w)

  14. Eve, recovering heart, replied.
  15. (rfdate) Sir W. Temple

  16. The expelled nations take heart, and when they fly from one country invade another.
  17. Vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.

  18. That the spent earth may gather heart again.
  19. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)

  20. Listen, dear heart, we must go now.

  21. I speak to thee, my heart.
  22. A conventional shape or symbol used to represent the heart, love, or emotion: or sometimes (unsupported).

  23. 1998, Pat Cadigan, Tea From an Empty Cup, page 106:

  24. "Aw. Thank you." The Cherub kissed the air between them and sent a small cluster of tiny red hearts at her.
  25. A playing card of the suit hearts featuring one or more heart-shaped symbols.

  26. The centre, essence, or core.

  27. The wood at the heart of a tree is the oldest.

    Buddhists believe that suffering is right at the heart of all life.

  28. 1899, w:Robert Barr (writer)|Robert Barr, The Strong Arm, ch. 3:

  29. At last she spoke in a low voice, hesitating slightly, nevertheless going with incisive directness into the very heart of the problem.
