

  1. henki

  2. (filosofia, psykologia, metafysiikka, uskonto) sielu

  3. ajatusmaailma, olemus; mieli, mielenlaatu; yhteishenki

  4. (mytologia) henkiolento; aave, haamu

  5. rohkeus, itsetunto, itseluottamus, usko

  6. elinvoima, eloisuus, vauhti, into

  7. tulisuus, temperamentti

  8. väkiviina, sprii

  9. monikollinen mieliala


He is in good 'spirits'. Hän on hyvällä 'tuulella'.



luonne, luonto, henki, mieli, sielu, rohkeus, pelottomuus, urheus, urhoollisuus, pelkuruus, välittäjähenki, paha henki, ruumiiton sielu, aave, haamu.

Liittyvät sanat: spiritismi, spiritisti, spiritistinen, spiritualismi, spiritualisti, spiritualistinen.

Rimmaavat sanat

spirit rimmaa näiden kanssa:

paarit, dongarit, tekarit, uikkarit, penkkarit, kokkarit, sammarit, simmarit, kummarit, farmarit...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

spirit (englanti > suomi)

  1. henki, sielu

  2. henki, haamu, henkiolento

  3. henki

  4. henki, tapa

  5. alkoholi chemical substance, viina liquor; pirtu, sprii rectified spirit

spirit englanniksi

  1. The collective souls of man or another entity.

  2. (quote-book)|chapter=7

  3. 1967, MacCormack, Woman Times Seven

  4. (..)a triumph of the spirit over the flesh.
  5. A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form; ghost, fairy, angel.

  6. A wandering spirit haunts the island.

  7. John Locke

  8. Whilst young, preserve his tender mind from all impressions of spirits and goblins in the dark.
  9. enthusiasm Enthusiasm.

  10. {{quote-journal|date=October 1, 2011|author=Phil Dawkes|work=BBC Sport

  11. (ux)

  12. The manner or style of something.

  13. (quote-book)

  14. Alexander Pope

  15. A perfect judge will read each work of wit / With the same spirit that its author writ.
  16. puhekieltä A volatile liquid, such as alcohol. The plural form spirits is a generic term for distilled alcoholic beverages.

  17. energy Energy; ardour.

  18. Fuller

  19. "Write it then, quickly," replied Bede; and summoning all his spirits together, like the last blaze of a candle going out, he indited it, and expired.
  20. One who is vivacious or lively; one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper.

  21. a ruling spirit; a schismatic spirit

  22. Dryden

  23. Such spirits as he desired to please, such would I choose for my judges.
  24. Temper or disposition of mind; mental condition or disposition; intellectual or moral state; often in the plural.

  25. to be cheerful, or in good spirits; to be down-hearted, or in bad spirits

  26. South

  27. God has (..) made a spirit of building succeed a spirit of pulling down.
  28. puhekieltä Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself.

  29. Spenser

  30. For, else he sure had left not one alive, / But all, in his Revenge, of Spirit would deprive.
    The mild air, with season moderate, / Gently attempered, and disposed so well, / That still it breathed forth sweet spirit.
  31. puhekieltä A rough breathing; an aspirate, such as the letter h; also, a mark denoting aspiration.

  32. Ben Jonson

  33. Be it a letter or spirit, we have great use for it.
  34. Intent; real meaning; opposed to the letter, or formal statement.

  35. the spirit of an enterprise, or of a document

  36. puhekieltä Any of the four substances: sulphur, sal ammoniac, quicksilver, and arsenic (or, according to some, orpiment).

  37. Chaucer

  38. the four spirits and the bodies seven
  39. puhekieltä stannic chloride

  40. To carry off, especially in haste, secrecy, or mystery.

  41. {{quote-journal|date=February 8, 2009|author=Dave Kehr|title=Buñuel at His Wildest, in Circulation Again|work=New York Times|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/08/movies/homevideo/08kehr.html

  42. Willis

  43. I felt as if I had been spirited into some castle of antiquity.
  44. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; to inspirit; sometimes followed by up.

  45. Civil dissensions often spirit the ambition of private men.

  46. Jonathan Swift

  47. Many officers and private men spirit up and assist those obstinate people to continue in their rebellion.
  48. English spirit, ghost

  49. essence, psyche

  50. wit, genius

  51. manner, style

  52. English spirit (physical form of God)

  53. (tpi-cite-bible)
