

  1. tervehtiä

Liittyvät sanat: greeting



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

greet (englanti > suomi)

  1. tervehtiä

greet englanniksi

  1. To address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes; to salute; to hail; to welcome; to accost with friendship; to pay respects or compliments to, either personally or through the intervention of another, or by writing or token.

  2. 1591, (w), w:Richard III (play)|Richard III, Act III, scene 1

  3. My lord, the mayor of London comes to greet you.
  4. 1900, (w), The House Behind the Cedars, Chapter I,

  5. Warwick observed, as they passed through the respectable quarter, that few people who met the girl greeted her, and that some others whom she passed at gates or doorways gave her no sign of recognition; from which he inferred that she was possibly a visitor in the town and not well acquainted.
  6. To come upon, or meet, as with something that makes the heart glad.

  7. '1707, (w), Rosamond'', Act I, scene 4

  8. In vain the spring my senses greets.
  9. To accost; to address.

  10. (rfquotek)

  11. puhekieltä To meet and give salutations.

  12. circa 1590, (w), (w), Act I, scene 2, line 90

  13. There greet in silence, as the dead are wont, And sleep in peace.
  14. To be perceived by (somebody).

  15. (quote-magazine)

  16. (ux)

  17. puhekieltä great Great.

  18. puhekieltä To weep; to cry.

  19. 1933, (w), Cloud Howe, Polygon 2006 (A Scots Quair), page 312:

  20. And damn't! if he didn't take down her bit things and scone her so sore she grat like a bairn ....
  21. 2008, (w), Kieron Smith, Boy, Penguin 2009, page 2:

  22. My maw went potty and started greeting.
  23. (term-context) mourning Mourning, weeping, lamentation.

  24. great (large, significant)

  25. to weep, lament

  26. 2013, Donal McLaughlin, translating Pedro Lenz, Naw Much of a Talker, Freight Books 2013, page 5:

  27. Thinking o Regula hid me greetin aw ae a sudden.
  28. cry, lamentation

  29. (alternative form of)
