

  1. tervetullut

  2. vapaa, riippumaton (tekemään mitä lystää)


You are always 'welcome' in our home.

The lunch break was a 'welcome' relief from working hard all morning.

This is a 'welcome' reform.

She was 'welcome' to come and go as she pleased.



etsitty, haluttu, toivottu, tervetullut, tervehdys, tervehtiminen, tervetulotoivotus, vastaanotto, sydämellinen vastaanotto, vieraanvaraisuus, epävieraanvaraisuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

welcome rimmaa näiden kanssa:

home, harmaahome, pahkulahome, punahome, lumihome, kuparihome, maitohome...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

welcome (englanti > suomi)

  1. tervetullut

  2. tervetuloa!

  3. tervetulotoivotus, tervehtiminen, vastaanotto

  4. tervetulotoivotus

  5. toivottaa tervetulleeksi">toivottaa tervetulleeksi

  6. toivottaa tervetulleeksi

welcome englanniksi

  1. Whose arrival is a cause of joy; received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company.

  2. (ux)


  3. (w) (1731-1800)

  4. When the glad soul is made Heaven's welcome guest.
  5. Producing gladness.

  6. (quote-book)|chapter=7

  7. Free to have or enjoy gratuitously.

  8. (RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)

  9. As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, but I would not go out of my way to protest against it. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get. I would very gladly make mine over to him if I could.
  10. (non-gloss definition)

  11. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition).

  12. The act of greeting someone’s arrival, especially by saying "Welcome!"; reception.

  13. The utterance of such a greeting.

  14. Kind reception of a guest or newcomer.

  15. We entered the house and found a ready welcome.

  16. Shenstone

  17. his warmest welcome at an inn
  18. South

  19. Truth finds an entrance and a welcome too.
  20. To affirm or greet the arrival of someone, especially by saying "Welcome!".

  21. (quote-book)

  22. To accept something willingly or gladly.
