

  1. itää



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Englannin sanakirja

germinate (englanti > suomi)

  1. itää

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germinate englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Of a seed, to begin to grow, to sprout roots and leaf leaves.

  2. (rfquotek)

  3. (quote-journal) (Weekend)|date=5 April 2014|page=W22|passage=Orchids rely on fungi to reproduce. Their tiny seeds don't have any on-board nutrients (like beans and apples) and will not germinate until they are infected by a symbiotic fungus which supplies them with food. Known as a protocorm, this tiny orchid-fungus ball grows, turns green and eventually starts to photosynthesise.

  4. (quote-journal)|date=23 December 2014|passage=(..) The flesh of the mistletoe berry is sticky, and forms strings and ribbons between my thumb and forefinger. For the mistletoe, this viscous goop – and by the way, viscous comes to English from Viscum viscum – is crucial. The stickiness means that, after eating the berries, birds often regurgitate the seeds and then wipe their bills on twigs – leading to the seeds' getting glued to the tree, where they can germinate and begin the cycle anew.

  5. To cause to grow.

  6. {{quote-book|year=1913|author=w:Robert Barr (writer)|Robert Barr

  7. (inflection of)
