

  1. kehottaa



hoputtaa, kiirehdittää, vaatia, kannustaa, painostaa, kehottaa, patistaa, ahdistaa, paasata, kannattaa, johtaa huutosakkia, kirittää, innostaa, yllyttää, kiihottaa, neuvoa, selittää, antaa neuvoja, ohjata.

Rimmaavat sanat

exhort rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

exhort englanniksi

  1. To urge; to advise earnestly.

  2. Bible, Acts ii. 40:

  3. With many other words did he testify and exhort.
  4. J. D. Forbes:

  5. Let me exhort you to take care of yourself.
  6. (RQ:Joyce Ulysse), Episode 12, The Cyclops:

  7. Asked if he had any message for the living he exhorted all who were still at the wrong side of Maya to acknowledge the true path for it was reported in devanic circles that Mars and Jupiter were out for mischief on the eastern angle where the ram has power.
  8. (RQ:Potter Deathly Hallow)

  9. Perhaps because he was determined to make up for having walked out on them, perhaps because Harry’s descent into listlessness galvanized his dormant leadership qualities, Ron was the one now encouraging and exhorting the other two into action.
