

  1. ulkonaliikkumiskielto

  2. iltasoitto

  3. kotiintuloaika


The town was placed under curfew.

The curfew was lifted yesterday.

Parents should restrain their teenagers from drinking alcohol by setting 'curfews' and showing the right example.

:Vanhempien tulisi hillitä lastensa alkoholin käyttöä asettamalla 'kotiintuloaikoja' ja näyttämällä oikeanlaista esimerkkiä.



tuomio, määräys, päätös, asetus, ulkonaliikkumiskielto, signaali, merkinanto, viesti, ulkonaliikkumiskiellosta ilmoittava äänimerkki, määräaika, takaraja, ulkonaliikkumiskiellon alkamisaika.

Englannin sanakirja

curfew (englanti > suomi)

  1. ulkonaliikkumiskielto

  2. iltasoitto

curfew englanniksi

  1. Any regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time.

  2. 2012 October 31, David M. Halbfinger, " Hurricane Sandy," New York Times (retrieved 31 October 2012):

  3. Localities across New Jersey imposed curfews to prevent looting. In Monmouth, Ocean and other counties, people waited for hours for gasoline at the few stations that had electricity. Supermarket shelves were stripped bare.
  4. The time when such restriction begins.

  5. A signal indicating this time.

  6. A fireplace accessory designed to bank a fire by completely covering the embers.

  7. puhekieltä A regulation in feudal Europe by which fires had to be covered up or put out at a certain fixed time in the evening, marked by the ringing of an evening bell.

  8. The evening bell, which continued to be rung in many towns after the regulation itself became obsolete.

  9. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), Folio Society, 2006, vol.1, p.95:

  10. I have my lodging neere unto a tower, where both evening and morning a very great bell doth chime Ave marie and Cover-few, which jangling doth even make the tower to shake(nb..).
