

  1. piirteiltään tarkka, terävä

  2. hauras

  3. (säästä) kirpeä


~ winter’s day kirpeä pakkaspäivä

Liittyvät sanat: chip



tiivis, lyhytsanainen, ytimekäs, suppea, lakoninen, selkeä, niukkasanainen, erottuva, terävä, tarkka, kypsä, murea, rapea, rapsakka.

Englannin sanakirja

crisp englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Sharp, clearly defined.

  2. This new television set has a very crisp image.

  3. brittle Brittle; friable; in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture.

  4. The crisp snow crunched underfoot.

  5. Goldsmith

  6. The cakes at tea ate short and crisp.
  7. Possessing a certain degree of firmness and freshness.

  8. Leigh Hunt

  9. It laurel has been plucked nine months, and yet looks as hale and crisp as if it would last ninety years.
  10. puhekieltä dry Dry and cold.

  11. puhekieltä Quick and accurate.

  12. {{quote-journal

  13. puhekieltä Brief and to the point.

  14. An expert, given a certain query, will often come up with a crisp answer: “yes” or “no”.

  15. (RQ:Wodehouse Offing)

  16. puhekieltä having a refreshing amount of acidity; having less acidity than green wine, but more than a flabby one.

  17. puhekieltä lively Lively; sparking; effervescing.

  18. Beaumont and Fletcher

  19. your neat crisp claret
  20. puhekieltä curling Curling in stiff curls or ringlets.

  21. crisp hair

  22. puhekieltä Curled by the ripple of water.

  23. Shakespeare

  24. You nymphs called Naiads, of the winding brooks (..) Leave your crisp channels.
  25. puhekieltä Not using fuzzy logic; based on a binary distinction between true and false.

  26. puhekieltä A thin slice of fried potato eaten as a snack.

  27. puhekieltä To make crisp.

  28. to crisp bacon by frying it

  29. puhekieltä To become crisp.

  30. puhekieltä To curl; to form into ringlets, for example hair, or the nap of cloth

  31. puhekieltä to interweave, like the branches of trees.

  32. puhekieltä To undulate or ripple.

  33. Tennyson

  34. to watch the crisping ripples on the beach
  35. puhekieltä To cause to undulate irregularly, as crape or water; to wrinkle; to cause to ripple.

  36. Drayton

  37. The lover with the myrtle sprays / Adorns his crisped tresses.
  38. Milton

  39. The crisped brooks, / Rolling on orient pearl and sands of gold.
