

  1. kylmä

  2. epäystävällinen, välinpitämätön

  3. kylmiltään suorittava

  4. frigidi


A 'cold' wind whistled through the trees.

She shot me a 'cold' glance before turning her back.

The speaker went in 'cold' and floundered for a topic.

Liittyvät sanat: goldblooded



kuollut, kylmänä, jäätynyt, pakastunut, jäähtynyt, kylmä, kalsea, viileä, lämpötila.


  1. coldis: kylmä

Englannin sanakirja

cold (englanti > suomi)

  1. kylmä

cold englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Having a low temperature.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Wodehouse Offing)

  4. puhekieltä Causing the air to be cold.

  5. puhekieltä Feeling the sensation of coldness, especially to the point of discomfort.

  6. Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling.

  7. 2011 April 23, (w), series 6, episode 1, (w):

  8. RIVER SONG (upon seeing the still-living DOCTOR, moments after he made her and two other friends watch what they thought was his death): This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold.
  9. dispassionate Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial.

  10. Completely unprepared; without introduction.

  11. Unconscious or deeply asleep; deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness.

  12. puhekieltä Perfectly, exactly, completely; by heart.

  13. puhekieltä Cornered, done for.

  14. (ux)

  15. puhekieltä Not pungent or acrid.

  16. (w) (1561-1626)

  17. cold plants
  18. puhekieltä Unexciting; dull; uninteresting.

  19. (w) (1572-1637)

  20. What a deal of cold business doth a man misspend the better part of life in!
  21. (w) (1672-1719)

  22. The jest grows cold(..)when it comes on in a second scene.
  23. Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) only feebly; having lost its odour.

  24. puhekieltä Not sensitive; not acute.

  25. (w) (1564-1616)

  26. Smell this business with a sense as cold / As is a dead man's nose.
  27. Distant; said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. Compare warm and hot.

  28. puhekieltä Having a bluish effect; not warm in colour.
