

  1. lehtipuunsyöpä

  2. sammastulehdus

  3. trikomonoosi



vaikutus, rutto, syöpä, haavauma, haavautuma, sammastulehdus, cancrum, kasvitauti, lehtipuunsyöpä, sairastua, tartuttaa, tarttua.

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canker rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

canker englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A plant disease marked by gradual decay.

  2. A corrode corroding or sloughing ulcer; especially a spreading gangrenous ulcer or collection of ulcers in or about the mouth.

  3. Anything which corrodes, corrupts, or destroys.

  4. Temple

  5. the cankers of envy and faction
  6. A kind of wild rose; the dog rose.

  7. Shakespeare

  8. To put down Richard, that sweet lovely rose, / And plant this thorn, this canker, Bolingbroke.
  9. An obstinate and often incurable disease of a horse's foot, characterized by separation of the horny portion and the development of fungoid growths. Usually resulting from neglected thrush.

  10. An avian disease affecting doves, poultry, parrots and birds of prey, caused by Trichomonas gallinae.

  11. puhekieltä To affect as a canker; to eat away; to corrode; to consume.

  12. 1849, (w), In Memoriam, 26:

  13. Still onward winds the dreary way; / I with it; for I long to prove / No lapse of moons can canker Love, / Whatever fickle tongues may say.
  14. puhekieltä To infect or pollute; to corrupt.

  15. puhekieltä To waste away, grow rusty, or be oxidized, as a mineral.

  16. To be or become diseased, or as if diseased, with canker; to grow corrupt; to become venomous.

  17. Bad temper.

  18. puhekieltä To become bad-tempered, to fret, to worry.
