

  1. sarveistunut, luutunut

  2. känsäinen

  3. yhteys|slangia|k=en seksuaalisesti kiihottunut, kiimainen



kova, sarveis-, sarvimainen, sarvi-, sarvellinen, sarvekas, seksikäs, kiihottunut, kiimainen, himokas, kiihottava, eroottinen, syttynyt.

Rimmaavat sanat

horny rimmaa näiden kanssa:

penny, nynny, känny, tyyny, lattiatyyny, niskatyyny, neulatyyny, ilmatyyny, haavatyyny, sohvatyyny...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

horny (englanti > suomi)

  1. luinen

  2. sarvekas

  3. kiihottunut, kiimainen usually of animal

horny englanniksi

  1. hard Hard or bony, like an animal's horn.

  2. 1951, (w), (w), Collins, 1998, Chapter 6,

  3. Two Dwarfs were at the bellows, another was holding a piece of red-hot metal on the anvil with a pair of tongs, a fourth was hammering it, and two, wiping their horny little hands on a greasy cloth, were coming forward to meet the visitors.
  4. Having horns

  5. "In 1997, 4th and 5th grade Waterville Elementary students told me they saw Short-horned lizards (commonly known as Horny toads) all around their area." http://depts.washington.edu/natmap/projects/waterville/begin.html

  6. puhekieltä Sexually aroused.

  7. That girl makes me feel horny.

  8. {{quote-book|year=1949|author=Henry Miller|title=Sexus

  9. {{quote-journal|year=1971|month=October|journal=Black World|page=65/1

  10. (context) Sexually arousing.
