

  1. ruosteinen



väri-, ruosteenvärinen, vanha, ikivanha, muinainen, ruostunut, ruosteinen.

Rimmaavat sanat

rusty rimmaa näiden kanssa:

lesty, nysty, karvanysty, pysty, rysty...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

rusty (englanti > suomi)

  1. ruosteinen

  2. ruosteenruskea

  3. ruosteinen, ruosteessa

rusty englanniksi

  1. Marked or corroded by rust. (defdate)

  2. Of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown. (defdate)

  3. (RQ:Vance Nobody)

  4. Three chairs of the steamer type, all maimed, comprised the furniture of this roof-garden, with(..)on one of the copings a row of four red clay flower-pots filled with sun-baked dust from which gnarled and rusty stalks thrust themselves up like withered elfin limbs.
  5. Lacking recent experience, out of practice, especially with respect to a skill or activity. (defdate)

  6. {{quote-journal|date=December 29, 2010|author=Sam Sheringham|work=BBC

  7. puhekieltä Of clothing, especially dark clothing: worn, shabby. (defdate)

  8. *1911, (w), Zuleika Dobson:

  9. He wore a black jacket, rusty and amorphous.
  10. discolored Discolored and rancid; reasty. (defdate)

  11. (ux)
