

  1. jakso, kausi, erä, ottelu

  2. kohtaus, puuska, jakso


after a bout

bout of depression

Liittyvät sanat: runabout



rellestys, hurvittelu, juhlinta, ryyppyputki, juomakausi, kännäys, ryypiskely, kilpailu, kisa, ottelu, kausi, ajanjakso, aikakausi, periodi, vaihe, kohtaus, puuska, sisävuoro, sisävuoro<huom/, vuoro, jakso, erä.

Liittyvät sanat: boutique.

Rimmaavat sanat

bout rimmaa näiden kanssa:

out, knock-out, ragoût, burnout, passepartout, stout, layout...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

bout (englanti > suomi)

  1. jakso

  2. ottelu

  3. pisto

  4. ottelu, mittelö

bout englanniksi

  1. A period of something, usually painful or unpleasant

  2. a bout of drought.

  3. puhekieltä A boxing match.

  4. puhekieltä An assault (a fencing encounter) at which the score is kept.

  5. puhekieltä A roller derby match.

  6. A fighting competition.

  7. 1883, (w), (w) s:The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood/Chapter V|Chapter V

  8. Then they had bouts of wrestling and of cudgel play, so that every day they gained in skill and strength.
  9. puhekieltä A bulge or widening in a musical instrument, such as either of the two characteristic bulges of a guitar.

  10. puhekieltä The going and returning of a plough, or other implement used to mark the ground and create a headland, across a field.

  11. 1809, A Letter to Sir John Sinclair ... containing a Statement of the System under which a considerable Farm is profitably managed in Hertfordshire. Given at the request of the Board. By Thomas Greg, Esq., published in The Farmers Magazine'', page 395:

  12. The outside bout of each land is ploughed two inches deeper, and from thence the water runs into cross furrows, which are dug with a spade ... I have an instrument of great power, called a scarifier, for this purpose. It is drawn by four horses, and completely prepares the land for the seed at each bout.
  13. 1922, An Ingenious One-Way Agrimotor, published in The Commercial Motor, volume 34, published by Temple Press, page 32:

  14. It is in this manner that the ploughs are reversed at the termination of each bout of the field.
  15. 1976, Claude Culpin, Farm Machinery, page 60:

  16. The last two rounds must be ploughed shallower, and on the last bout the strip left should be one furrow width for a two-furrow plough, two for a three-furrow, and so on. ...
  17. To contest a bout.

  18. puhekieltä about

  19. theyre talking bout you!''

    Maddy is bout to get beat up!

  20. bolt

  21. leg of an animal as food

  22. puhekieltä fart

  23. end, extremity, tip (gloss)

  24. bit, piece, scrap

  25. puhekieltä rope

  26. (inflection of)

  27. end (extremity)
