

  1. vyöryä



paisua, pullistua, turvota, täyttyä ilmalla, täyttyä, täyttää uudelleen, laajentua, täyttää ilmalla, pumpata täyteen, täyttää, nousta huimasti, kohota korkeuksiin, kohota taivaisiin, kasvaa äkillisesti, kiitää korkeuksiin, ampaista ylös, kohota, nousta, aaltoilla, vyöryä, kohoilla, hyökyä, leijua, muodostaa pilvi.

Rimmaavat sanat

billow rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

billow (englanti > suomi)

  1. hyökyaalto

  2. of liquid hyökyä, of a mass vyöryä, of smoke tupruta

  3. pullistua

billow englanniksi

  1. A large wave, swell, surge, or undulating mass of something, such as water, smoke, fabric or sound

  2. Cowper

  3. whom the winds waft where'er the billows roll
  4. 18??, w:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow|Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, s:The Brook and the Wave|The Brook and the Wave:

  5. And the brooklet has found the billow / Though they flowed so far apart.
  6. 1922, w:Clark Ashton Smith|Clark Ashton Smith, s:The Caravan|The Caravan:

  7. Have the swirling sands engulfed them, on a noon of storm when the desert rose like the sea, and rolled its tawny billows on the walled gardens of the green and fragrant lands?
  8. To surge or roll in billows

  9. 1920, w:Peter B. Kyne|Peter B. Kyne, The Understanding Heart, Chapter II:

  10. During the preceding afternoon a heavy North Pacific fog had blown in … Scudding eastward from the ocean, it had crept up and over the redwood-studded crests of the Coast Range mountains, (..), billowing steadily eastward, it had rolled up the western slopes of the Siskiyou Range, (..)
  11. 1942, (w), (w), "Chain Gang,"

  12. The nuns' veils billowed and flapped behind the snaky line of girls as if the sisters were shooing the serpent from the Garden of Eden.
  13. To swell out or bulge

  14. 1936, (w), (w), Chapter I,

  15. Her new green flowered-muslin dress spread its twelve yards of billowing material over her hoops and exactly matched the flat-heeled green morocco slippers her father had recently brought her from Atlanta.
  16. 1983, (w), Slouching Towards Kalamazoo, Chapter 9, p. 125,

  17. She had changed her auburn hair. Instead of wearing it in a billowing puff over her brow, she had gathered it into a ponytail, secured with a length of yellow yarn.
