

  1. kielitunnus-2|bali|balinref-CLDR-fi|v=36|viitattu=1.5.2020

Liittyvät sanat: shadowban



hoitotieteiden kandidaatti, BAN.

Liittyvät sanat: banaali, banaalistaa, banaalisti, banaalistua, banaalius, banaani.


  1. banaani: matkapuhelin

  2. banaani: homoseksualisti

  3. bandistaka: jääpallomaila : Bandistagat bungas enemmän ku lätkästagat.

  4. bandimaila: jääpallomaila

  5. bandy: jääpallo (peli ja peliväline) myös: pilleri

  6. bandi: jääpallo (peli ja peliväline) myös: pilleri

  7. bankkaa: antaa selkää

  8. bankku: banaani

  9. bannaa: kieltää toista tekemästä jotain, et. tietokon.

  10. bansku: homoseksualisti : Se on ihan banskujen mesta.

  11. bansku: banaani : Paljo sä haluut banskuista, saaks mä nää kympillä?

  12. bantsku: banaani : Haluksä bantskun vai fibelin?

  13. bantsgu: banaani

  14. bantskufutu: banaanipotku / kierrepotku : Tais olla Pahlmanin Kaitsu, ku kehitti bantskufutun.

  15. banttaa: pihistellä / säästellä

  16. banttaa: laihdutuskuurilla olla : Banttaatsä taas?

Rimmaavat sanat

ban rimmaa näiden kanssa:

oikeaan, takaoikeaan, etuoikeaan, ennen vanhaan, harhaan, turhaan, kaikkiaan, kerta kaikkiaan, kaiken kaikkiaan, omiaan...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

ban (englanti > suomi)

  1. kieltää

  2. kielto

ban englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To summon; to call out.

  2. puhekieltä To anathematize; to pronounce an ecclesiastical curse upon; to place under a ban.

  3. puhekieltä To curse; to execrate.

  4. (rfquotek)

  5. puhekieltä To prohibit; to interdict; to proscribe; to forbid or block from participation.

  6. {{quote-journal|date=December 14, 2011|author=Steven Morris|work=Guardian

  7. (quote-magazine)

  8. (ux)

  9. puhekieltä To curse; to utter curses or maledictions.

  10. prohibition

  11. Milton

  12. under ban to touch
  13. A public proclamation or edict; a summons by public proclamation. Chiefly, in early use, a summons to arms.

  14. Bans is common and ordinary amongst the Feudists, and signifies a proclamation, or any public notice.

  15. The gathering of the (French) king's vassals for war; the whole body of vassals so assembled, or liable to be summoned; originally, the same as arrière-ban: in the 16th c., French usage created a distinction between ban and arrière-ban, for which see the latter word.

  16. He has sent abroad to assemble his ban and arriere ban.

    The Ban and the Arrierban are met armed in the field to choose a king.

    France was at such a Pinch..that they calld their Ban and Arriere Ban, the assembling whereof had been long discussed, and in a manner antiquated.

    The ban was sometimes convoked, that is, the possessors of the fiefs were called upon for military services.

    The act of calling together the vassals in armed array, was entitled ‘convoking the ban.

  17. puhekieltä A curse or anathema.

  18. Shakespeare

  19. Hecate's ban
  20. A pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban, such as a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.

  21. A subdivision of currency, equal to a 1/100th of a Romanian (l)

  22. A subdivision of currency, equal to a 1/100th of a Moldovan (l)

  23. A unit measuring information or entropy based on base-ten logarithms, rather than the base-two logarithms that define the bit.

  24. A title used in several states in central and south-eastern Europe between the 7th century and the 20th century.

  25. excommunication, denunciation

  26. anathema which is cast upon one who is excommunicated

  27. magic spell

  28. puhekieltä exile

  29. (nl-verb form of)

  30. puhekieltä public declaration

  31. puhekieltä announcement of a marriage

  32. puhekieltä territory

  33. Etymology 4|ban (qualifier)

  34. give

  35. one

  36. tyre / tire

  37. (inflection of)

  38. (ja-romanization of)

  39. (jbo-rafsi of)

  40. (nonstandard spelling of)

  41. death

  42. To die.

  43. First-person singular realis mood form of ban; I died; I have died.

  44. coyote

  45. bone

  46. Etymology_2 ban (a subdivision of currency)

  47. English ban (on the Internet)

  48. Etymology_4 ban (title)

  49. money; coin

  50. (l) (title)

  51. time

  52. bath

  53. peak

  54. dome, cupola
