

  1. interdikti



tuomioistuimen määräys, oikeuden määräys, kieltomääräys, kielto, sensuuri, kritisointi, moite, nuhteet, interdikti, määrätä, vaatia, käskeä, kieltää, käyttää veto-oikeuttaan, torpata.

Englannin sanakirja

interdict englanniksi

  1. A papal decree prohibiting the administration of the sacraments from a political entity under the power of a single person (e.g., a king or an oligarchy with similar powers). extreme unction|Extreme unction/Anointing of the Sick is excepted.

  2. puhekieltä To exclude (someone or somewhere) from participation in church services; to place under a religious interdict. (defdate)

  3. Ayliffe

  4. An archbishop may not only excommunicate and interdict his suffragans, but his vicar general may do the same.
  5. puhekieltä To forbid (an action or thing) by formal or legal sanction. (defdate)

  6. Milton

  7. Charged not to touch the interdicted tree.
  8. puhekieltä To forbid (someone) from doing something. (defdate)

  9. puhekieltä To impede (an enemy); to interrupt or destroy (enemy communications, supply lines etc). (defdate)

  10. 1988, James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, Oxford 2004, p. 756:

  11. Grant did not cease his efforts to interdict Lee's supply lines and break through the defenses.
