

  1. nöyryyttää

  2. kuoleutua



riutua, virua, aiheuttaa kuolio, synnyttää kuolio, kuoleutua, kuolioitua, loukata, satuttaa, haavoittaa, kolhaista, ärsyttää, nolata, tuottaa mielipahaa, nöyryyttää, alentaa, murskata, musertaa, tehdä loppu, häpäistä, halventaa, morkata, väheksyä, alistaa, hillitä, tyynnyttää, rauhoittaa, hillitä itsensä, pitää kurissa, tasoittaa, pitää aisoissa, kohtuullistaa.

Englannin sanakirja

mortify englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To kill. (defdate)

  2. puhekieltä To reduce the potency of; to nullify; to deaden, neutralize. (defdate)

  3. Francis Bacon

  4. Quicksilver is mortified with turpentine.
  5. Hakewill

  6. He mortified pearls in vinegar.
  7. puhekieltä To kill off (living tissue etc.); to make necrotic. (defdate)

  8. (RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), II.3:

  9. Servius the Grammarian being troubled with the gowt, found no better meanes to be rid of it, than to apply poison to mortifie (transterm) his legs.
  10. To discipline (one's body, appetites etc.) by suppressing desires; to practise abstinence on. (defdate)

  11. Some people seek sainthood by mortifying the body.

  12. Harte

  13. With fasting mortified, worn out with tears.
  14. Prior

  15. Mortify thy learned lust.
  16. Bible, Col. iii. 5

  17. Mortify, therefore, your members which are upon the earth.
  18. puhekieltä To embarrass, to humiliate. To injure one's dignity. (defdate)

  19. I was so mortified I could have died right there, instead I fainted, but I swore Id never let that happen to me again.''

  20. (quote-book)

  21. puhekieltä To affect with vexation, chagrin, or humiliation; to humble; to depress.

  22. Evelyn

  23. the news of the fatal battle of Worcester, which exceedingly mortified our expectations
  24. Addison

  25. How often is the ambitious man mortified with the very praises he receives, if they do not rise so high as he thinks they ought!
  26. puhekieltä To grant in mortmain

  27. 1876 James Grant, History of the Burgh and Parish Schools of Scotland, Part II, Chapter 14, p.453 ( PDF 2.7 MB):

  28. the schoolmasters of Ayr were paid out of the mills mortified by Queen Mary
