

  1. sato; saanto; anti; tuotto


Zucchini plants always seem to produce a high yield of fruit.

The explosive yield of a nuclear weapon.



tulot, ansio, tuotto, myyntitulot, tulos, voitto, maankorko, luopua, luovuttaa, hylätä, polttaa, siirtyä, tehdä tilaa, väistyä, antaa tietä, väistyä tieltä, antaa, helpottaa, väistää.

Englannin sanakirja

yield (englanti > suomi)

  1. taipua, antaa tietä">antaa tietä, väistää

  2. myöntää

  3. tuottaa

  4. sato

yield englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To pay, give in payment; repay, recompense; reward; requite.

  2. Shakespeare:

  3. God' ild''' yield you!
  4. Gareth and Lynette, Tennyson:

  5. The good mother holds me still a child! Good mother is bad mother unto me! A worse were better; yet no worse would I. Heaven yield her for it!
    Tend me to-night two hours, I ask no more, / And the gods yield you for 't.
  6. Beaumont and Fletcher:

  7. God yield thee, and God thank ye.
  8. To furnish; to afford; to render; to give forth.

  9. Milton:

  10. Vines yield nectar.
  11. Bible, Job 24.5:

  12. The wilderness yieldeth food for them and for their children.
  13. To give way; to allow another to pass first.

  14. Yield the right of way to pedestrians.

  15. To give as required; to surrender, relinquish or capitulate.

  16. They refuse to yield to the enemy.

    I'll make him yield the crown.
    Shall yield up all their virtue, all their fame.
  17. puhekieltä To give way; to succumb to a force.

  18. 1897, (w), (w), chapter 21:

  19. He turned the handle as he spoke, but the door did not yield. We threw ourselves against it. With a crash it burst open, and we almost fell headlong into the room.
  20. To produce as return, as from an investment.

  21. Historically, that security yields a high return.

  22. puhekieltä To produce as a result.

  23. Adding 3 and 4 yields a result of 7.

  24. puhekieltä To produce a particular sound as the result of a sound law.

  25. Indo-European p- yields Germanic f-.

  26. puhekieltä To pass the material's yield point and undergo plastic deformation.

  27. puhekieltä To admit to be true; to concede; to allow.

  28. I yield it just, said Adam, and submit.
  29. puhekieltä payment Payment; tribute.

  30. A product; the quantity of something produced.

  31. (ux)

  32. puhekieltä The current return as a percentage of the price of a stock or bond.

  33. (quote-magazine)
