

  1. päivitys

Liittyvät sanat: brief



uutiset, tiedot, viesti, sanoma, päivitys, muuttaa, muokata, päivittää, ajantasaistaa, informoida, tiedottaa, kertoa uutiset.

Rimmaavat sanat

update rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

update (englanti > suomi)

  1. päivitys

  2. päivittää, ajantasaistaa

update englanniksi

  1. An advisement providing more up-to-date information than currently known.

  2. He gave me an update on the situation in New York

  3. A change in information, a modification of existing or known data.

  4. I just made an update to the Wikipedia article on guerillas

  5. An additional piece of information. An addition to existing information.

  6. I just made an update to my blog about my trip to Rome

  7. A modification of something to a more recent, up-to-date version; (in software) a minor upgrade.

  8. Our database receives an update every morning at 3 AM

    I have a couple of updates to install on your laptop

  9. A version of something which is newer than other versions.

  10. "You should try the update: it rocks."

  11. puhekieltä To bring (a thing) up to date.

  12. I need to update my records to take account of the most recent transaction.

  13. puhekieltä To bring (a person) up to date: to inform (a person) about recent developments.

  14. Update me on what happened while I was away.

  15. (inflection of)
