

  1. menestyä, viihtyä, kukoistaa (kasveista)

  2. menestyä, kerätä rahaa


Its easy to thrive on people's weaknesses.



kääntyä, muuttua, elpyä, enentyä, kasvaa, lisääntyä, vahvistua, tulla, menestyä, laajeta, kukoistaa, edetä, edistyä, lentää korkealle.

Rimmaavat sanat

thrive rimmaa näiden kanssa:

taive, nilkkataive, polvitaive, kyynärtaive, nivustaive, viive, jive, live, toive, voitontoive...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

thrive (englanti > suomi)

  1. viihtyä (of plants)

  2. menestyä

thrive englanniksi

  1. To grow or increase stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish.

  2. 1819, (w), (w),

  3. “It seems to me, reverend father,” said the knight, “that the small morsels which you eat, together with this holy, but somewhat thin beverage, have thriven with you marvellously.”
  4. 1941, (w), (w), Chapter 3,

  5. The growing things jumbled themselves together into a dense thicket; so tensely earnest were things about growing in Skedans that everything linked with everything else, hurrying to grow to the limit of its own capacity; weeds and weaklings alike throve in the rich moistness.
  6. To increase in wealth or success; to prosper, be profitable.

  7. Since expanding in June, the business has really thrived.

  8. {{quote-journal
