


varma asia, varma juttu, itsestäänselvyys, varmuus, takuutodistus, oikeutus, takuunsaaja, takuukirja, takuu, takaaja, takuumies, takuunantaja, panttivanki, rahoittaja, sponsori, kannattaja, mesenaatti, tukija, vanki, rangaistusvanki, omaisuus, takaus, vakuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

surety rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vety, rikkivety, hiilivety, syaanivety, kloorivety, raskasvety...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

surety (englanti > suomi)

  1. takaus

  2. takaaja

surety englanniksi

  1. certainty Certainty.

  2. Bible, Genesis xv. 13

  3. Know of a surety, that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs.
  4. Sir Philip Sidney

  5. For the more surety they looked round about.
  6. That which makes sure; that which confirms; ground of confidence or security.

  7. Milton

  8. We our happy state / Hold, as you yours, while our obedience holds; / On other surety none.
  9. puhekieltä A promise to pay a sum of money in the event that another person fails to fulfill an obligation.

  10. Shakespeare

  11. There remains unpaid / A hundred thousand more; in surety of the which / One part of Aquitaine is bound to us. puhekieltä One who undertakes to pay money or perform other acts in the event that his principal fails therein.
  12. Bible, Proverbs xi. 15

  13. He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it.
  14. A substitute; a hostage.

  15. (rfquotek)

  16. Evidence; confirmation; warrant.

  17. She called the saints to surety, / That she would never put it from her finger, / Unless she gave it to yourself.
