

  1. tuijotus



katse, katsominen, tuijotus, kiinteä katse, vihainen tuijotus, mulkoilu, vihainen katse, tarkastelu, tutkiskelu, töllistely.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

stare (englanti > suomi)

  1. tuijottaa, in an indifferent manner tuijotella

stare englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To look fixedly (at something).

  2. (RQ:BLwnds TLdgr)

  3. A great bargain also had been the excellent Axminster carpet which covered the floor; as, again, the arm-chair in which Bunting now sat forward, staring into the dull, small fire. In fact, that arm-chair had been an extravagance of Mrs. Bunting. She had wanted her husband to be comfortable after the day's work was done, and she had paid thirty-seven shillings for the chair.
  4. To be very conspicuous on account of size, prominence, colour, or brilliancy.

  5. staring windows or colours

  6. puhekieltä To stand out; to project; to bristle.

  7. (w) (c.1564–1616)

  8. Makest my blood cold, and my hair to stare.
  9.,_John_(DNB00) John Mortimer (1656?-1736)

  10. Take off all the staring straws and jags in the hive.
  11. A persistent gaze.

  12. the stares of astonished passers-by

  13. puhekieltä A starling.

  14. (nl-verb form of)

  15. puhekieltä to stay, remain

  16. stare attenti (a)

    pay attention (to)

  17. puhekieltä to be

  18. puhekieltä to live

  19. (ux)

  20. puhekieltä to keep, stick

  21. puhekieltä to be up to

  22. puhekieltä to be to

  23. (inflection of)

  24. a starling (a songbird, Sturnus vulgaris)

  25. Neuter form of stary

  26. status, standing, situation, position, condition

  27. starling (a bird)
