

  1. vähäinen


Theres only a 'slight' possibility of that happening.

:Tapahtumisen mahdollisuus on 'vähäinen'.

He had very 'slight' chances.

:Hänen mahdollisuutensa olivat hyvin 'vähäiset'.

Liittyvät sanat: slightly



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Rimmaavat sanat

slight rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

slight (englanti > suomi)

  1. vähäinen

slight englanniksi

  1. small Small amount, gentle, or weak{{,; not decidedly marked; not forcible; inconsiderable; unimportant; insignificant; not severe.

  2. (ux)

  3. (w) (1688-1744)

  4. Slight is the subject, but not so the praise.
  5. (w) (1632-1705)

  6. Some firmly embrace doctrines upon slight grounds.
  7. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  8. Not stout or heavy; slender.

  9. Sir (w) (1771-1832)

  10. his own figure, which was formerly so slight
  11. puhekieltä even Even, smooth or level; still (of the sea).

  12. puhekieltä foolish Foolish; silly; weak in intellect.

  13. (rfquotek)

  14. puhekieltä bad Bad, of poor quality (as, goods).

  15. To treat as slight or not worthy of attention, to make light of.

  16. Cowper

  17. the wretch who slights the bounty of the skies
  18. To treat with disdain or neglect.

  19. To act negligently or carelessly.

  20. puhekieltä To render no longer defensible by full or partial demolition.

  21. To make even or level.

  22. To throw heedlessly.

  23. Shakespeare

  24. The rogue slighted me into the river.
  25. The act of slighting; a deliberate act of neglect or discourtesy.

  26. (w)

  27. Never use a slighting expression to her, even in jest; for slights in jest, after frequent bandyings, are apt to end in angry earnest.
  28. sleight Sleight.
