

  1. eristää (ulkoisilta vaikutteilta)

Liittyvät sanat: sequestration



muuttua, eristää, erottaa, eristäytyä, erottautua, vetäytyä, korvautua, jakaa, siirtyä.

Rimmaavat sanat

sequester rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

sequester englanniksi

  1. To separate from all external influence; to seclude; to withdraw.

  2. The jury was sequestered from the press by the judges order.''

  3. Hooker

  4. when men most sequester themselves from action
  5. To separate in order to store.

  6. The coal burning plant was ordered to sequester its CO2 emissions.

  7. To set apart; to put aside; to remove; to separate from other things.

  8. Francis Bacon

  9. I had wholly sequestered my civil affairss.
  10. puhekieltä To prevent an ion in solution from behaving normally by forming a coordination compound

  11. puhekieltä To temporarily remove (property) from the possession of its owner and hold it as security against legal claims.

  12. To cause (one) to submit to the process of sequestration; to deprive (one) of one's estate, property, etc.

  13. South

  14. It was his tailor and his cook, his fine fashions and his French ragouts, which sequestered him.
  15. puhekieltä To remove (certain funds) automatically from a budget.

  16. The Budget Control Act of 2011 sequestered 1.2 trillion dollars over 10 years on January 2, 2013.

  17. puhekieltä To seize and hold enemy property.

  18. puhekieltä To withdraw; to retire.

  19. Milton

  20. to sequester out of the world into Atlantic and Utopian politics
  21. To renounce (as a widow may) any concern with the estate of her husband.

  22. sequestration; separation

  23. puhekieltä A person with whom two or more contending parties deposit the subject matter of the controversy; one who mediates between two parties; a referee.

  24. (rfquotek)

  25. puhekieltä A sequestrum.
