

  1. rosoinen, epätasainen, karu

  2. vahva, kovatekoinen, vankka



kovatekoinen, vankka, kovaan käyttöön tarkoitettu, jykevätekoinen, robusti, jykevä, roteva, vahva, väkivahva, kovettunut, voimakkuus.

Rimmaavat sanat

rugged rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tweed, lied, LED...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

rugged (englanti > suomi)

  1. rosoinen, epätasainen, karu, kallioinen

  2. epätasainen, epäsäännöllinen

  3. takkuinen

  4. roteva

  5. karski

  6. myrskyinen

  7. riipivä, raastava

  8. hapan

  9. karkea

  10. vankka

rugged englanniksi

  1. Broken into sharp or irregular points; uneven; not smooth; rough.

  2. 1870, (w), Roughing It, Chapter LXV

  3. By and by, after a rugged climb, we halted on the summit of a hill which commanded a far-reaching view.
  4. Nor neat nor regular; irregular, uneven.

  5. 2011, Ronke Luke-Boone, African Fabrics: Sewing Contemporary Fashion with Ethic Flair

  6. Commercially produced yarn, such as rayon, produces a cloth with a smoother, shinier look than hand-spun cotton, but the uneven, rugged look of hand-spun cotton can be quite appealing.
  7. Rough with bristles or hair; shaggy.

  8. 1897, Kate Chopin, A Morning Walk

  9. His hair was light and rather thin; his face strong and rugged from exposure, and his eyes narrow and observant.
  10. puhekieltä strong Strong, sturdy, well-built.

  11. 2010, Arthru Queen Jr., Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold

  12. Many women and men delude themselves into thinking that only the hardest and most rugged man is attractive and to many it may be the case.
  13. puhekieltä rocky Rocky and bare of plantlife.

  14. 2013, Vicky Baker in The Guardian, Riding with the cowboys on a Mexico ranch

  15. Hidden within 30,000 acres of rugged private land, the ranch is cocooned by peaks and canyons in all directions.
  16. 1971, United States Forest Service, Search for solitude: our wilderness heritage

  17. Much of the area can be seen only by hikers who travel without trails to the higher reaches of this rugged mountain range.
  18. puhekieltä Harsh; austere; hard; crabbed

  19. stormy Stormy; turbulent; tempestuous; rude.

  20. puhekieltä harsh Harsh; grating; rough to the ear

  21. puhekieltä Sour; surly; frowning; wrinkled

  22. 1908, Rafael Sabatini, The Abduction

  23. "Ah!" sighed the unimaginative Granby, and his honest, rugged face grew clouded. Pepper puffed in silence for a moment or two; then spoke.
  24. puhekieltä Violent; rude; boisterous

  25. puhekieltä Vigorous; robust; hardy

  26. 1909, (w), Martin Eden

  27. "Her gaze rested for a moment on the muscular neck, heavy corded, almost bull-like, bronzed by the sun, spilling over with rugged health and strength..."
  28. puhekieltä Designed to reliably operate in harsh usage environments and conditions.

  29. 2011, Nick Fletcher, Psion drops 2% after supply chain issues push it into loss

  30. Psion, which supplies a range of rugged hand held computers, has lost nearly 2% after announcing a plunge into the red.
  31. Having a rug or rugs.

  32. Covered with a rug.

  33. (en-past of)
