

  1. jaaritella (myös ramble on)



pasteerailu, kävely, kuljeskelu, vaeltelu, harhailu, huvikävely, kulkea, liikkua, mennä, siirtyä, vaeltaa, kuljeksia, vaellella, tallustaa, kuljeskella, kierrellä, samoilla, reissata, samota, harhailla, eksyä, erehtyä, harhautua, kulkeutua, hortoilla, poiketa.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

ramble (englanti > suomi)

  1. huvikävely, kävelylenkki

  2. käydä kävelylenkillä

  3. jaaritella

ramble englanniksi

  1. A leisurely stroll; a recreational walk in the countryside.

  2. 1811, Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, chapter 16

  3. Marianne was prevailed upon to join her sisters in their usual walk, instead of wandering away by herself. Hitherto she had carefully avoided every companion in her rambles. If her sisters intended to walk on the downs, she directly stole away towards the lanes
  4. (quote-book)

  5. A rambling; an instance of someone talking at length without direction.

  6. puhekieltä A bed of shale over the seam of coal.

  7. (rfquotek)

  8. A section of woodland suitable for leisurely walking.

  9. To move about aimlessly, or on a winding course

  10. To walk for pleasure; to amble or saunter.

  11. To talk or write incessantly, unclearly, or incoherently, with many digressions.

  12. Francine has a tendency to ramble when it gets to be late in the evening.
