


piristää, stimuloida, palata tajuihinsa, virota, elpyä, tulla tajuihinsa, tehdä eloisaksi, herättää henkiin, elävöittää, entisöidä, korjata, herättää eloon, virkistää, elävöityä, kiihdyttää, vilkastua, kiihtyä, lisätä nopeutta, nopeuttaa, lisätä vauhtia, siirtää, viedä.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

quicken englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To give life to; to animate, make alive, revive. (defdate)

  2. 1526, (w), trans. (w), (w) XVII:

  3. Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe, shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his life, shall (nowrap)
  4. 1610, s:The Tempest|The Tempest, by w:William Shakespeare|Shakespeare, act 3 (nowrap)

  5. The mistress which I serve quickens what's dead, / And makes my labours pleasures
  6. (w) (1634–1716)

  7. Like a fruitful garden without an hedge, that quickens the appetite to enjoy so tempting a prize.
  8. puhekieltä To come back to life, receive life. (defdate)

  9. puhekieltä To take on a state of activity or vigour comparable to life; to be roused, excited. (defdate)

  10. 1910, ‘(w)’, "The Lost Sanjak", Reginald in Russia:

  11. The Chaplain's interest in the story visibly quickened.
  12. puhekieltä Of a pregnant woman: to first feel the movements of the foetus, or reach the stage of pregnancy at which this takes place; of a foetus: to begin to move. (defdate)

  13. 2013, (w), ‘Royal Bodies’, (w), 35.IV:

  14. Royal pregnancies were not announced in those days; the news generally crept out, and public anticipation was aroused only when the child quickened.
  15. puhekieltä To make quicker; to hasten, speed up. (defdate)

  16. 2000, (w), A Storm of Swords, Bantam 2011, p.47:

  17. That day Arya quickened their pace, keeping the horses to a trot as long as she dared, and sometimes spurring to a gallop when she spied a flat stretch of field before them.
  18. puhekieltä To become faster. (defdate)

  19. (ux)

  20. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  21. Breezes blowing from beds of iris quickened her breath with their perfume; she saw the tufted lilacs sway in the wind, and the streamers of mauve-tinted wistaria swinging, all a-glisten with golden bees; she saw a crimson cardinal winging through the foliage, and amorous tanagers flashing like scarlet flames athwart the pines.
  22. puhekieltä To shorten the radius of (a curve); to make (a curve) sharper.

  23. puhekieltä The European rowan, Sorbus aucuparia. (defdate)

  24. 1924, (w), Some Do Not…, Penguin 2012 (Parades End''), p, 104:

  25. Miss Wannop moved off down the path: it was only suited for Indian file, and had on the left hand a ten-foot, untrimmed quicken hedge, the hawthorn blossoms just beginning to blacken .
