

  1. luumu

Liittyvät sanat: plum tree



asema, toimi, paikka, virka, työpaikka, posti, tehtävä, huippupaikka, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus, slangi, ammattikieli, erikoiskieli, murre, ammattislangi, jargon, syötävä hedelmä, luumu, luumarja, aivan, täysin, täsmälleen, suoraan.

Liittyvät sanat: plumpsahdus, plumpsahtaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

plum (englanti > suomi)

  1. luumu

  2. luumupuu

  3. luumunpunainen

plum englanniksi

  1. The edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus domestica, often of a dark red or purple colour.

  2. The stone-fruit tree which bears this fruit, Prunus domestica.

  3. A dark bluish-red color/colour, the colour of some plums.

  4. (color panel)

  5. A desirable thing.

  6. puhekieltä A handsome fortune or property; formerly, in cant language, the sum of £100,000 sterling, or a person possessing it.

  7. puhekieltä A good or choice thing of its kind, as among appointments, positions, parts of a book, etc.

  8. The mayor rewarded his cronies with cushy plums, requiring little work for handsome pay.

  9. A raisin, when used in a pudding or cake.

  10. puhekieltä A fool, idiot.

  11. puhekieltä A testicle.

  12. The edible, fleshy stone fruit of several species sharing Prunus subg. Prunus with Prunus domestica including, among others:

  13. (taxlink)

  14. Prunus cerasifera, the cherry plum or myrobalan

  15. (taxlink) the Chinese plum or (vern)

  16. Prunus spinosa, the sloe

  17. (taxlink) the (vern)

  18. (taxlink) North American plums

  19. (taxlink), the (vern)

  20. (taxlink), the (vern) or (vern)

  21. (taxlink) (better known as apricots)

  22. Prunus mume, an Asian fruit more closely related to the apricot than the plum, usually consumed pickled, dried, or as a juice or wine; ume.

  23. The stone-fruit trees which bear these fruits.

  24. The fruits of many unrelated trees and shrubs with fruit perceived to resemble plums

  25. The trees and shrubs bearing those fruits

  26. puhekieltä Of a dark bluish-red colour.

  27. puhekieltä choice Choice; especially lavish or preferred.

  28. She landed a plum position as an executive for the firm.

  29. plumb Plumb

  30. completely Completely; utterly.

  31. Youre going to think I'm plum crazy for this, but I want to adopt all seven kittens.''

  32. puhekieltä To plumb.

  33. puhekieltä lead (qualifier)
