

  1. nokare

  2. taputus


two pats of butter

He gave her a 'pat' on the back.



sopiva, sovelias, asianmukainen, sattuva, kosketus, näpäytys, taputus, kevyt kosketus, ääni, naputus, näpäys, koputus, kopaus, tepsutus.

Liittyvät sanat: pata, pataani, patakinnas, patakukko, patakuningas, patalaiska.


  1. batsku: patteri : Tää fikkari ei lyysaa enää, onks kellää batskuja?

  2. patiinit: kengät

  3. patikat: sukset

  4. patja: tyttö (seks.avomielinen, hauk.)

  5. patsastelee: ylpeillä : Kekeki patsasteli siinä pressan vieres, ku ois itteki ollu joku.

  6. patsku: patteri

  7. patteristi: rumpali : Ei se hääppöne bändi ollu, mut patteristi osas kyl skulaa.

  8. patterit: rummut

  9. pattiin, vetää: lyödä kasvoihin

  10. patu: vanha mies : Yks patu tsittas siin ja vislas jotai vanhaa stygee.

  11. patukka: miehen sukuelin : Mikäs patukka sulla tääl pullottaa?

  12. polsteri: patja

  13. pysti: patsas : Työläisäidit sai oman pystin lähelle Kultsaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

pat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hipat, kotihipat, nuhatipat, korvatipat, kamferitipat, silmätipat, nenätipat, lähtökuopat, sinunkaupat...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pat (englanti > suomi)

  1. taputus

  2. nokare

  3. taputtaa

  4. taputtaa, taputella

  5. lopottaa

  6. sopivasti, sattuvasti, oikein

pat englanniksi

  1. The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object, especially of a footstep

  2. A light tap or slap, especially with the hands

  3. A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.

  4. Charles Dickens

  5. It looked like a tessellated work of pats of butter.
  6. To (gently) tap the flat of one's hand on a person or thing.

  7. To show affection, he decided he would pat the boy on the head.

  8. 1877, (w), (w) Chapter 22

  9. He came round to each of us to pat and speak to us for the last time; his voice sounded very sad.
  10. To hit lightly and repeatedly with the flat of the hand to make smooth or flat

  11. I patted the cookie dough into shape.

  12. 1900, L. Frank Baum , The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Chapter 23

  13. Before they went to see Glinda, however, they were taken to a room of the Castle, where Dorothy washed her face and combed her hair, and the Lion shook the dust out of his mane, and the Scarecrow patted himself into his best shape, and the Woodman polished his tin and oiled his joints.
  14. puhekieltä To stroke or fondle (an animal).

  15. Do you want to pat the cat?

  16. To gently rain.

  17. timely, suitable, apt, opportune, ready for the occasion; especially of things spoken

  18. a pat expression

  19. 1788, Cowper, Pity for Africans, p 18

  20. A story so pat, you may think it is coined.
  21. trite, being superficially complete, lacking originality

  22. 2010, New York Times, Editorial: Jobs and the Class of 2010, May 23.

  23. The pat answer is that college students should consider graduate school as a way to delay a job search until things turn around, and that more high school students should go to college to improve their prospects. ''
  24. opportunely Opportunely, in a timely or suitable way.

  25. '''c. 1600', William Shakespeare, w:Hamlet Hamlet'' III.iii

  26. Now might I do it pat
  27. perfectly Perfectly.

  28. He has the routine down pat.

  29. patent

  30. puhekieltä pattern

  31. 2012, Kari Cornell, Knitting Sweaters from around the World (page 52)

  32. Work in pat to next underarm marker, sm, place next st on holder(..)
  33. I experience, undergo. (something bad, unpleasant, unexpected, etc.)

  34. puhekieltä four

  35. cold

  36. puhekieltä stalemate

  37. stalemate (blocked situation)

  38. gesticulation, gesture

  39. (alternative form of)

  40. even

  41. (jbo-rafsi of)

  42. eight

  43. to know somebody; to recognize

  44. to be familiar with

  45. bed

  46. particularity
