


epäsovinnainen, epätavanomainen, omalaatuinen, omituinen, epätavallinen, kummallinen, omintakeinen, outo, rytmi, poljento, tahti, biitti, kohotahti.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

offbeat (englanti > suomi)

  1. epätavallinen, omituinen

offbeat englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä The beats not normally accented in a measure.

  2. The congregation clapped along on the offbeat.

  3. puhekieltä An unconventional person, someone who does not follow the beat, who chooses not to conform.

  4. 1977, Lyle W Dorsett, The Queen City: a history of Denver

  5. No one dignified such offbeats by responding to their outcries. Today, the "knockers of progress" have become a force that cannot be ignored.
  6. {{quote-book

  7. 2001, Andrew Yoder, Pirate Radio Stations

  8. In addition to creating a web of stories that will be passed through many generations, these offbeats usually strengthen the fiber of their particular hobby...
  9. unusual Unusual, unconventional, not ordinary.

  10. He has such an offbeat sense of humor that hardly anyone finds his jokes amusing.
