

  1. ~ to mukautua, mukauttaa, sopeutua, sopeuttaa, sovittaa, tehdä jonkin mukaiseksi

  2. yhdenmukaistaa, konformoida

Liittyvät sanat: conformist, conformity



muuttua, mukautua, sopeutua, tottua, sopeutua uudestaan, sulautua, tarkentua.

Englannin sanakirja

conform (englanti > suomi)

  1. noudattaa, toimia odotusten mukaisesti">toimia odotusten mukaisesti

  2. noudattaa, olla jonkin mukainen">olla jonkin mukainen

  3. sopeuttaa

conform englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To act in accordance with expectations; to behave in the manner of others, especially as a result of social pressure.

  2. 1822, w:Walter Scott|Sir Walter Scott, Peveril of the Peak, ch. 1:

  3. He had a dispensation for conforming in outward observances to the Protestant faith.
  4. 1839, w:Charles Darwin|Charles Darwin, The Voyage of the Beagle, ch. 4:

  5. By conforming to the dress and habits of the Gauchos, he has obtained an unbounded popularity in the country.
  6. puhekieltä To be in accordance with a set of specifications or regulations, or with a policy or guideline.

  7. 1919, w:Hildegard G. Frey|Hildegard G. Frey, The Camp Fire Girls Do Their Bit, ch. 11:

  8. In height and breadth it conformed to the prescribed measurements laid down by the rules of the contest.
  9. 2006 22 Dec., " Judge Cuts Amount of Vioxx Award ," New York Times (retrieved 7 June 2011):

  10. A judge in a Texas widow’s lawsuit over the Merck drug Vioxx reduced a $32 million jury award to about $7.75 million on Thursday so that it conformed to state law.
  11. puhekieltä To make similar in form or nature; to make suitable for a purpose; to adapt.

  12. (circa) w:Jonathan Swift|Jonathan Swift, "Vanbrugh's House" in The Poems of Jonathan Swift (1910 edition):

  13. There is a worm by Phoebus bred,
    By leaves of mulberry is fed,
    Which unprovided where to dwell,
    Conforms itself to weave a cell.
  14. 1836, w:Ralph Waldo Emerson|Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature, ch. 6:

  15. The sensual man conforms thoughts to things; the poet conforms things to his thoughts.
  16. according to
