

  1. miettiä, pohtia, hautoa, harkita

  2. maustaa ja kuumentaa jotakin, yleensä viiniä tai alkoholijuomaa

Liittyvät sanat: mullivann, mullivesi




Liittyvät sanat: mullanvärinen, mullas, mullata, mulli, mullikka, mullin mallin.

Rimmaavat sanat

mull rimmaa näiden kanssa:

baseball, goodwill, rock and roll...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mull (englanti > suomi)

  1. miettiä, pohtia, pohdiskella

  2. maustaa ja kuumentaa

mull englanniksi

  1. To work (over) mentally; to cogitate; to ruminate; usually with over.

  2. to mull a thought or a problem

    he paused to mull over his various options before making a decision

  3. 1912, (w), (w), Chapter 5

  4. It was the germ of a thought, which, however, was destined to mull around in his conscious and subconscious mind until it resulted in magnificent achievement.
  5. To powder; to pulverize.

  6. To chop marijuana so that it becomes a smokable form.

  7. To heat and spice something, such as wine.

  8. To join two or more individual windows at mullions.

  9. To dull or stupefy.

  10. A thin, soft muslin.

  11. puhekieltä marijuana Marijuana that has been chopped to prepare it for smoking.

  12. A stew of meat, broth, milk, butter, vegetables, and seasonings, thickened with soda crackers.

  13. The gauze used in bookbinding to adhere a text block to a book's cover.

  14. An inferior kind of madder prepared from the smaller roots or the peelings and refuse of the larger.

  15. puhekieltä A promontory.

  16. the Mull of Kintyre

  17. A snuffbox made of the small end of a horn.

  18. dirt; rubbish

  19. (rfquotek)

  20. headland
