

  1. ikkuna

Liittyvät sanat: window sill – ikkunalauta



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

window englanniksi

  1. An opening, usually covered by one or more panes of clear glass, to allow light and air from outside to enter a building or vehicle.

  2. (RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)

  3. But then I had the massive flintlock by me for protection. ¶(..)The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window at the old mare feeding in the meadow below by the brook, and a 'bead' could be drawn upon Molly, the dairymaid, kissing the fogger behind the hedge,(nb..).
  4. 1952, (w), Building in England, p.173:

  5. A window is an opening in a wall to admit light and air.
  6. (quote-book)|title=(w)

  7. An opening, usually covered by glass, in a shop which allows people to view the shop and its products from outside; a shop window.

  8. (RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)

  9. There is an hour or two, after the passengers have embarked, which is disquieting and fussy.(..)Passengers wander restlessly about or hurry, with futile energy, from place to place. Pushing men hustle each other at the windows of the purser's office, under pretence of expecting letters or despatching telegrams.
  10. puhekieltä The shutter, casement, sash with its fittings, or other framework, which closes a window opening.

  11. A period of time when something is available.

  12. (ux)

  13. puhekieltä A rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes.

  14. A figure formed of lines crossing each other.

  15. (w) (1663-1712)

  16. till he has windows on his bread and butter
  17. puhekieltä The time between first infection and detectability.
