

  1. tärkeä virka tai asema, mantteli

  2. päällysviitta, viitta, vaippa

  3. yhteys|geologia|k=en vaippa

  4. yhteys|heraldiikka|k=en kypäräpeite; vaakunaviitta


to take on the mantle of managing director

to asume the mantle of the presidency

Liittyvät sanat: core



kaihdin, suoja, rullaverho, sälekaihdin, verho, viitta, mantteli, keeppi, mantia, stoola, verhot, väliverho, sisustus.

Rimmaavat sanat

mantle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

ale, ginger ale, chippendale, kale, riekale, roikale, suikale, kekkale, vonkale, huiskale...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

mantle (englanti > suomi)

  1. Orthodox mantia

  2. vaippa, peite

  3. vaippa

  4. hehkusukka, sukka

  5. aivokuori

  6. miehusta

mantle englanniksi

  1. A piece of clothing somewhat like an open robe or cloak, especially that worn by Orthodox bishops. (qualifier) (defdate)

  2. puhekieltä A figurative garment representing authority or status, capable of affording protection.

  3. At the meeting, she finally assumed the mantle of leadership of the party.

    The movement strove to put women under the protective mantle of civil rights laws.

  4. puhekieltä Anything that covers or conceals something else; a cloak. (defdate)

  5. (rfdat) (w) (w)

  6. the green mantle of the standing pool
  7. puhekieltä The body wall of a mollusc, from which the shell is secreted. (defdate)

  8. 1990, Daniel L. Gilbert, William J. Adelman, John M. Arnold (editors), Squid as Experimental Animals, page 71 (where there is an illustration):

  9. Before copulation in Loligo, the male swims beside and slightly below about his potential mate and flashes his chromatophores. He grasps the female from slightly below about the mid-mantle region and positions himself so his arms are close to the opening of her mantle. He then reaches into his mantle with his hectocotylus and picks up several spermatophores from his penis.
  10. puhekieltä The back of a bird together with the folded wings.

  11. The zone of hot gases around a flame.

  12. A gauzy fabric impregnated with metal nitrates, used in some kinds of gas and oil lamps and lanterns, which forms a rigid but fragile mesh of metal oxides when heated during initial use and then produces white light from the heat of the flame below it. (qualifier) (defdate)

  13. The outer wall and casing of a blast furnace, above the hearth.

  14. (rfquotek)

  15. A penstock for a water wheel.

  16. puhekieltä The cerebral cortex. (defdate)

  17. puhekieltä The layer between the Earth's core and crust. (defdate)

  18. A fireplace shelf; (alternative spelling of)

  19. puhekieltä A mantling.

  20. puhekieltä To cover or conceal (something); to cloak; to disguise.

  21. puhekieltä To become covered or concealed.

  22. (of face, cheeks) To flush.

  23. 1913, w:D. H. Lawrence|D.H. Lawrence, s:Sons_and_Lovers Sons and Lovers, s:Sons and Lovers/Chapter 10|chapter 10

  24. The blood still mantled below her ears; she bent her head in shame of her humility.
