

  1. suvaitsematon

Liittyvät sanat: intolerance



ahdasmielinen, rajoittunut, suvaitsematon, kitsas, tyly, fanaattinen, kiihkoileva, joustamaton, ankara, jäykkä, kova.

Rimmaavat sanat

intolerant rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

intolerant englanniksi

  1. Unable or indisposed to tolerate, endure or bear.

  2. I am lactose-intolerant, so I cant drink milk.''

  3. Arbuthnot

  4. The powers of human bodies being limited and intolerant of excesses.
  5. Not tolerant; close-minded about new or different ideas. indisposed to tolerate contrary opinions or beliefs; impatient of dissent or opposition; denying or refusing the right of private opinion or choice in others; inclined to persecute or suppress dissent.

  6. One who is intolerant; a bigot.

  7. 1856, John David Chambers, Strictures, legal and historical, on the judgment of the Consistory Court of London, in December, 1855, in the Case of Westerton Versus Liddell

  8. (..) a portion of the prejudice which darkened the spirits of these intolerants, might perhaps have cast its shadow over him.
  9. English intolerant
